Camurein Farm, located 57 km from our Guerzoni Vinegar Factory, stands out for its production of high-quality fruits and vegetables, grown using

Sustainability and biodynamics

The Secrets of Camurein Paolo and Catia, with great passion, adopt advanced agricultural techniques, including the use of homeopathic preparations for the soil, composting organic materials, and green manuring to increase soil fertility.

From farm to table

The processed products of Camurein from their harvests come processed products such as vegetable preserves, jams, and baked goods.

Growth and values

The Evolution of Camurein continues to expand, developing new orchards and vineyards, while remaining true to the values of a life in harmony with nature.

Unique collaboration

Camurein and the Cultivation of Jalapeno The collaboration with Camurein includes the cultivation of Demeter certified Jalapeno peppers. During the season, weekly harvests of Jalapeno peppers, both red and green, are processed fresh.
The peppers are washed in hot vinegar, cut, ground, and then cooked again with wine vinegar to create our Jalapeno sauce, which can be green or red depending on the ripeness of the peppers.